What is Mapcode?

MAPCODE is a unique numerical identifier of a specific location in Japan. MAPCODE are unique to Japan and from our experience most if not all of the navigation system in rentals cars accepts MAPCODE, not GPS latitude and longitude and most definitely not Google Pluscode. As tourist this causes some inconveniences because we plan our vacation on Google Maps.

How is MAPCODE derived?

MAPCODE broadly partition Japan into a 1,162 zones which are further split into blocks and finally units that further refine these divisions. Specifically, a zone spans approximately 27 kilometers on each side, within each zone, there are 900 blocks, and each block is further divided into 900 units, with each unit measuring 30 meters by 30 meters. Furthermore, units can be subdivided into smaller 3-meter squares, known as S cores, facilitating pinpoint location accuracy.

Where to get Mapcode?

For instance, suppose you wish to visit Tokyo Tower and plan to drive there in your rented car. While Google Maps provides a Google Pluscode, such as MP5W+C5 Minato City, Tokyo Japan, this format is not compatible with car navigation systems. Although you can obtain the numerical GPS latitude and longitude coordinates from Google Maps, it's worth noting that most, if not all, navigation systems do not accept GPS coordinates.

Additionally, Tokyo Tower's webpage will not provide a MAPCODE, and we've observed that many websites do not include MAPCODEs. As tourists, we often resort to secondary websites like japanmapcode.com, which enable users to search for MAPCODEs. Alternatively, you can attempt to search using the telephone number associated with the destination and hope that the number is registered in the car's navigation system. This method is typically effective only for popular attractions such as Disneyland.

Google Map
